How to Start a Podcast if You’re Completely New to Podcasting

Wondering how to start a podcast? You’re probably not alone. Each year, more and more people become interested in podcasts and podcasting, and that trend is not likely to change.

Woman headphones podcast startBut what about if you don’t have any experience? Creating a podcast from scratch can seem like a daunting task. What equipment do you need? How much should you plan? Should you read a book about it? What about a YouTube video? In the age of information, sometimes it can be confusing to know where to go to find the right information.

At TalkShoe, we’ve seen and heard enough podcasts to know exactly how to start. We’ve also tailored our service around giving people the power to create their dream podcasts the easy way — without too much hassle or cost. We’ve ironed the only steps you need to create your own podcast, and they are:

1. Think of a subject for your podcast: What will it be about? You could choose just about anything!

2. Prepare some topic material: Is there something specific that you will be covering? Maybe you need to prepare questions in advance as well.

3. Get a guest or co-host to record with you: Will this be a one-time guest, or a co-host? It’s all up to you!

4. Create your TalkShoe account and record your first podcast: TalkShoe makes this step easier and more fun than ever.

5. Make corrections and keep moving: No one gets everything right the first time. The important thing is to keep going!

So, let’s get started, shall we?

Think of a subject for your podcast

Do you already have an idea about what your podcast will cover? If so, you can skip this section. If not, that’s okay! You’ll have one in no time.

When coming up with a subject for your podcast, don’t be afraid to pick something that you’re interested in, even if it’s a little strange. For instance, let’s say you want to make a podcast about brooms. You might think to yourself, “that topic is too wierd. No one will listen to that!” Well, you might be surprised. What about maid services? Broom manufacturers? People in the hospitality industry? Any of these groups would love an in-depth discussion on brooms. They might even want to sponsor your podcast!

So when thinking of your podcast subject, just be creative, no matter where it takes you!

Prepare some topic material

Preparing podcast materialEven if you are so well-versed in your topic that you could talk about it for hours, it is still a good idea to at least prepare a few questions or talking points. The fact that you won’t be the only person speaking means that there will always be an element of randomness. Having prepared material just ensures that there won’t be ay dead air on your podcast.

Even though podcasts are meant to be mostly unprepared and unfiltered, it’s always a good idea to have a backup –especially if you are still learning how to start a podcast!

Get a guest or co-host to record with you

Dogs CohostLet’s face it: a one-person podcast is just a monologue. You need at least one other person to speak on your podcast in most cases, whether they are a co-host or just a guest. Since this is your first podcast, it is probably easier to simply get a guest, since it can take some time and effort to be a good co-host.

If you are struggling to find anyone, why not just get a friend? They don’t even have to know anything about the subject, as long as they are willing to listen and ask questions.

Create your TalkShoe account and record your first podcast

Now here’s the easy part of learning how to start a podcast! Creating a TalkShoe account is perhaps the easiest step on the list. Simply navigate to TalkShoe’s website, and click on Sign Up. After creating an account with your email address, simply click Create at the top of the screen, then click + New Show. Now you can fill in the information about your podcast.

Are you a little gunshy about hosting a live podcast? Don’t worry, we’ve thought about that too. With TalkShoe, you can also upload a pre-recorded audio episode to your podcast instead of doing a live recording. This way, there’s no worry if you make a mistake, or need to re-record for one reason or another.

Make corrections and keep moving

As you start your podcast journey, remember that you are allowed to make mistakes. When you allow yourself to make mistakes, you allow yourself to grow.

Don’t get in the habit of making sure that everything is perfect, because then you won’t create anything at all. Remember: done is always better than perfect. So keep chipping away, keep working, and eventually you’ll not only learn how to start a podcast, you’ll be a podcast expert!

Start Podcast success
