Whitelist Your Emails For Invitations, Reminders And Notifications From FreeConference.com

Haven’t we all subscribed to more than a handful of newsletters and subscriptions? Getting content about our favourite things like video conferencing tips and tricks. Or an invitation to an important web conference; reminders about updates and upcoming online meetings. Anything that’s delivered directly to you saves you from having to go searching for it. If you want it, you got it! Just simply find that blog you love to learn from or that site you want notifications from, enter your email and you’ve got personalized content coming at you without having to spend another minute scouring the internet. Does it get any more convenient?

Technology Frustrations

Except when you go into your email and you can’t find what you’re looking for. That great article you found the other day and subscribed to, where’s the latest post? And what happened to this week’s blog highlighting the best choices for video conferencing headphones you were looking forward to reading? It’s really disappointing to not see that invite or miss out on that blog post.

Don’t let your email provider swallow up your exciting content and throw it into junk or spam folders. Ensure the proper delivery of your incoming emails by whitelisting what you want to receive in your inbox come up front and centre for your reading pleasure!

If You’re Not Receiving Emails

Email Invites

Here are a couple of pointers and guidelines to help your mail, updates and notifications from FreeConference.com get to your inbox and stay in your inbox!

  1. Always check your Spam Folder and other organizational folders first. It’s not uncommon for the emails you’re looking for to get redirected to places other than your inbox! There are certain email providers, like Gmail, that route emails to Promotion or Update Folders if they haven’t been opened after a certain number of sent emails.
  2. If the emails you’re looking for cannot be located in any of the other folders, another option is to add the email addresses of the content you’re expecting, into your contact list. This way, anything sent your way is from a known sender and there’s no chance the addresses will be blocked, deleted or stored in any other folder than that of your choosing.
    Add the following to your contact list:

If Team Members Aren’t Receiving Emails

So now that you’ve got a handle on your own personal email account, you should be set up for success, and able to receive all updates, and reminders. Now let’s say a member on your team is experiencing difficulty getting invites for a conference call. If the emails aren’t getting through, here’s a quick way to get to the bottom of it and get sorted quickly.

Go into your FreeConference account, and into the ‘Upcoming’ section

  • Click on ‘edit’
  • Go to the original email reminder or email invite you sent out
  • Change the subject line text and proceed as you did when first scheduling the call
  • Be sure to confirm the booking on the final page
  • Hit send
  • All invitees will be sent the email invite once more (with changed subject line)
  • If invitees are still not receiving invitations, please contact us at support@freeconference.com
Online Calling

The reason why invitees aren’t receiving emails, updates and notifications from your FreeConference account is likely because they hit block or unsubscribed. If this is the case, send a quick email to the support team detailing your concerns and someone can easily check the backend to determine the route of the problem.Lastly, there’s one more step you can take to feel confident you’re receiving every email, update and notification from FreeConference. Whichever email provider you’re using, this handy guide breaks down how to whitelist legitimate emails in a few easy steps. Whether you have AOL, Comcast, Earthlink, Gmail, Apple Mail and more, you’ve got it all broken down for you so you can rest assured everything that’s meant for you to see, gets seen!

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