Video Conferencing Do’s & Dont’s

man in office with headphoneThese days, video conferencing has become an art. The way we video chat and operate in a video conference room can say a lot about us. Therefore, taking a video conference call seriously, and knowing a thing or two about presenting yourself in an online space can be the difference between nailing it or failing it.

Let’s take a video interview, for example.

As the interviewer, you are setting the scene for a professional working environment as the face of the brand. You’re expected to make the talent or interviewee feel safe and provide an adequate online space that facilitates discussion, conversation, and camaraderie.

As the interviewee, you’re expected to sell yourself or tell your story. By demonstrating proper video call etiquette, you can leave a lasting impression that lands you the job or produces some excellent content.

In many capacities, video conferencing facilitates are being used for your film interview, job application, or online meeting. Ensuring you’re well equipped with video conference etiquette will set you apart from the rest.

Ready to cover a few video conference dos and don’ts?

(alt-tag: Close up of woman on phone smiling outside holding a tablet while walking)

Do Check Your Appearance

Lady on cellphoneLet’s state the obvious. Video conferencing software puts you upfront and center in a virtual setting. How you appear onscreen, your aesthetic, and presence is the first thing anyone sees. Especially in a public video conferencing venue as a leader, speaker, or educator, your appearance onscreen is important.

Firstly, how do you look? Do check that your basic hygiene is taken care of. Do take an extra minute to choose to wear a color that best suits you. Don’t show up disheveled, or messy. Just because you’re not in person, doesn’t mean people can’t relate to you.

Secondly, how do you act? Do remember your body language comes across loud and clear onscreen and is a critical part of your online presence and appearance. Do consider power posing, and maintaining eye contact. Don’t cross your arms.

And thirdly, how you’re set up affects the quality of your meeting. Do select a plain background that isn’t distracting. Do make sure you’re comfortable and your lighting is flattering. Don’t set up anywhere that’s too noisy or too dark. People want to see your face and know you are putting your best self forward.

Do Stay Focused

Using a video conferencing service for online meetings is proven to be more engaging and promote productivity.

How? By staying present and focused, participants are able to contribute in a setting geared towards collaboration. Implementing video settings rather than just audio encourages participants to do more than just show up.

Also, proper video conferencing etiquette implies taking care of your audience. By staying focused on what you’re presenting, pitching or delivering, naturally, people will be more focused on you. Do pay attention to how much time your meeting is. Do look at the camera so people can see into your eyes. Don’t eat during a session and definitely don’t eat anything loud like a crinkly bag of chips. Do take a moment to wait for a break in the conversation. Don’t speak over each other.

By remembering simple and kind online meeting etiquette, the speaker can remain as the center of attention for a successful sync.

Don’t Multitask During Video Meetings

During an online meeting, if the video isn’t on, it’s easy to get distracted with whatever is going on around you and not get caught!

Whether your video is enabled or not, don’t play on your phone. Don’t check and write emails while you’re in a sync. Do fire off important details in Text Chat so as not to disrupt the flow. Do use Screen Sharing to minimize the number of tabs you have open and; Do turn off any alarms and notifications that could go off while in a meeting.

Trying to do too much at once could make you look stressed out or not really present. Remember: Just because you’re not physically there in person doesn’t mean people can’t see you or pick up on what you’re doing or not doing!

Don’t Forget to Turn off Your Audio and Video

man on cellphone with a laptopWhen in a meeting with multiple participants; Do hit the mute button to avoid feedback from yours and other people’s background noise muffling up the meeting. More importantly and depending on what device you’re using; Don’t forget to turn off your camera if you’re going to the washroom!

Check your default video settings to see if your camera automatically turns on and turns off with the free web conferencing software you use.

(alt-tag: Serious man on mobile phone at workspace in front of an open laptop with coffee in mid conversation)

Here’s a quick video conference planning checklist:

  • Do look as clean and polished as possible
  • Do pay attention to your body language when video conferencing
  • Don’t choose a set up that’s noisy, has a busy background, or is in a high traffic area
  • Do be respectful of people’s time
  • Don’t check your phone
  • Do know when your camera is on and off


Let provide you with all the tools you need to pull off successful video conferencing time and time again. In fact, is the free video conferencing service that gives you an easy-to-use and professional communication platform so you can stay in touch and conduct business.

It’s not hard to learn the art of video conferencing with a free video conference call service that makes staying in touch and practicing video conferencing etiquette easy and convenient. Everything you need like free screen sharing, online whiteboard, conference calling, and more is in one place – for free!
