FreeConference Best Features Series: Free Screen Sharing

Do you prefer showing something rather than explaining it? If so, then the free screen sharing feature by is a perfect feature for you. It’s free and easy to access and it will add an additional dimension to your online meetings that regular phone conferences can’t offer.

What is Screen Sharing?

Screen sharing allows other callers to view what you are seeing on the screen of your device. Screen sharing is ideal for demos, presentations and collaborations, especially if other callers are remote. You can also switch between who is presenting their screen on at any time. Share your screen for free with up to 5 people at a time, for more participants check out our paid plans.

How Do I Access Screen Sharing During A Conference Call?

It’s easy, once you are in your online meeting room, click the share button on top of the screen to initiate screen sharing. You can then decide if you want to share your entire screen or any of the open windows on your device.

The first time you screen share a message will pop up asking you to add a ‘ Screen Sharing’ browser extension – click on ‘Add Extension’ to continue. If you didn’t see the pop-up message, simply click here.

You can start screen sharing today if you have an account with us. If you don’t, signup free below!
