Here’s How To Use In 10 Ways You’ve Never Thought Of Before

online group therapyIn this post, get ready to learn about some unexpected ways in which video conferencing from can be used to make communication easier. You’ll want to read this if you’ve been curious about how you can enhance one on ones with employees; strengthen your approach when demonstrating how your product works remotely, even how video conferencing can make your fantasy baseball team draft more fun (yes, it’s possible!).

Ready to see how video conferencing from can positively impact your life?

10. Group Therapy

People who are seeking therapy may want to have a one on one, but for some niches, healing truly happens in a small, cozy and trustworthy group. If you’re running a group session that deals with grief and bereavement, mental health, substance abuse, or cognitive behaviour conducting your time spent together via video conferencing offers marginalized communities an outlet to open up. Anyone who isn’t mobile, can’t be social, wants the familiarity of their home – this is a beneficial avenue for healing that’s comfortable for everyone involved.

9. Testimonials

Every industry benefits from their customers providing video testimonials! They are a tried and true visual component that positions the customer as the authority, and creates trust for other potential customers to follow suit. A written testimonial is great, but a video testimonial is even better!

online team meeting8. Fantasy Team Draft

There’s already a lot of excitement when you’re starting a new season. With video conferencing, you can extend the excitement to reach even further to include friends and family out of your local vicinity. Host a live draft party where everyone convenese in the virtual meeting room and selects their team together. Or put on a weekly press conference by setting up frequent online meetings where one participant runs through the past week’s events and next week’s happenings. But most importantly, don’t forget you can commiserate and celebrate when your teams win and lose – together!

7. Wedding Speeches

Weddings are a big deal but sometimes you just can’t make it. They can be far and they can definitely be expensive! Save money with video conferencing and you can be there virtually. If you’ve got a speech to share, all it takes is setting up an extra laptop, and hooking it up to a screen with a speaker. Figure out the timing by working with someone from the wedding party and from wherever you are, you can be right there with your friends and family.

6. Product Demonstrations

Perfect for technology demonstrations, video conferencing with offers the Screen Sharing tool, making it extra easy to discuss hard-to-explain things like navigation and user experience. Or take your audience deeper and break down smaller details about the product’s hidden features, alternate uses and unlikely benefits with pre-recorded tutorials or in real-time.

5. Design Reviews

Anyone who works in a creative field knows the back and forth involved between what the team creates and who signs off on it! Upper management, clients even other creatives all have a say in how the final product comes out. From storyboards and thumbnails to prototypes, whatever creative endeavour you’re working on, keeping your team or client services updated on last minute changes can be done painlessly when you can share your upgrades and progress via video conferencing. Show your early versions in real-time without starting a long email thread or having to upload images or hefty presentations. Plus, who doesn’t like on-the-spot feedback? Get answers to your questions in a real-time online meeting!

web one on one4. One on Ones

Employees are certainly aware of the importance of a one-on-one with management. It’s an occasion to get an inside look at their progress as a contributing member of the team and gain critical feedback about their strengths and opportunities for growth. Especially for remote workers, a one-on-one done by video conferencing enables them to get that constructive support without having to leave their country or rural community. Even if you aren’t overseas, physically being with your line manager can be tricky when everyone is on-the-go between meetings, presentations and pitches. A video conferencing one-on-one makes it fast and easy to discuss important matters, plus it builds trust through facetime.

3. Remote Diagnostics

Identifying a problem, a symptom or something that’s unusual from afar is made possible with video conferencing and other tech. To be able to diagnose a potential situation is extremely valuable across a few industries, especially healthcare. If a patient is too far from a hospital, they can communicate with a healthcare professional in another city or overseas. Furthermore, if you’re an agribusiness enterprise, you can use remote diagnostics for pest identification, foliage symptoms, natural materials, disease, and insect and weed outbreaks.

2. Tours

Company culture is important when attracting top talent to your office. HR can record a tour of the office in advance, or take candidates on an impromptu tour while in the middle of a video interview. Same idea applies for upper management or stakeholders requiring a guided tour around the plant, workshop or factory. If they can’t be there in person, they can call in via an online meeting and be “carried” around on a tablet or laptop.

1. Family Group Conferencing

In the event of a divorce or separation, providing separated families with support and problem-solving processes can help to mend the transition. If there are problems regarding custody or temporary placement of a child is required, family group conferencing via video conferencing under the guidance of a mediator, conflict manager or counselor provides a safe space for the family and extended family to come to terms.

Let empower the way you communicate in ways that probably never crossed your mind. It’s no surprise that video conferencing is used in the workplace to manage working relationships, but 2-way communication technology can be optimized even further. Plus with features like Screen Sharing, Time Zone Scheduler and more, your communication can develop how you work, play and live more deeply.
